Customer Service

Our location

2511 Neudorf Road Suite G
P.O Box 765 (mailing)
Clemmons, NC  27012

Our office is open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, except for national holidays.

Phone number is 336-766-4126.

The Clemmons Courier is currently published on Thursdays.


To pay your bill, schedule temporary stops in delivery or change your account information go to
If you need more assistance call 336-766-4126 or email to

Place an Advertisement

Place a Classified ad at or call 336-766-4126.

Place display advertising by emailing Christy Clark here or call 336-766-4126.

Submit an Obituary

To submit an obituary, please provide the following information:
Name of deceased, city, if they were a veteran, date of publication, plus photo and obit copy via email to

Please call 336-766-4126 for more information.

Submit a Legal or Notice to Creditors

Submit a legal to the Clemmons Courier at or call 336-766-4126.

Submit News

Submit an article or a news tip or story idea, please use the web form or send an email

Photos can also be submitted by providing information about who or what is pictured in the image and the name of the person to credit by emailing

Submit a Letter to the Editor or Column

Submit a letter for consideration to be printed on the Opinions page of the Clemmons Courier. Include your full name, city of residence and telephone number. Your submission may be edited for space. Letters should not exceed 300 words.

Guest columns up to 700 words will be considered for publication. Please include headshot photo in jpeg format, and a one-sentence biographical description of yourself.

Use this webform or email your letter or column to us here.

Submit an Event

Submit your events on the Community Calendar portal. Email story ideas to us here.